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Journal Article (104)

Journal Article
Müller, C.; Rutting, T.; Abbasi, M. K.; Laughlin, R. J.; Kammann, C.; Clough, T. J.; Sherlock, R. R.; Kattge, J.; Jager, H. J.; Watson, C. J. et al.; Stevens, R. J.: Effect of elevated CO2 on soil N dynamics in a temperate grassland soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (9), pp. 1996 - 2001 (2009)
Journal Article
Obersteiner, M.; Hüttner, M.; Kraxner, F.; Mccallum, I.; Aoki, K.; Böttcher, H.; Fritz, S.; Gusti, M.; Havlik, P.; Kindermann, G. et al.; Rametsteiner, E.; Reyers, B.: On fair, effective and efficient REDD mechanism design. Carbon Balance and Management 4, 11 (2009)
Journal Article
Patino, S.; Lloyd, J.; Paiva, R.; Baker, T. R.; Quesada, C. A.; Mercado, L. M.; Schmerler, J.; Schwarz, M.; Santos, A. J. B.; Aguilar, A. et al.; Czimczik, C. I.; Gallo, J.; Horna, V.; Hoyos, E. J.; Jimenez, E. M.; Palomino, W.; Peacock, J.; Pena-Cruz, A.; Sarmiento, C.; Sota, A.; Turriago, J. D.; Villanueva, B.; Vitzthum, P.; Alvarez, E.; Arroyo, L.; Baraloto, C.; Bonal, D.; Chave, J.; Costa, A. C. L.; Herrera, R.; Higuchi, N.; Killeen, T.; Leal, E.; Luizao, F.; Meir, P.; Monteagudo, A.; Neil, D.; Nunez-Vargas, P.; Penuela, M.C.; Pitman, N.; Priante Filho, N.; Prieto, A.; Panfil, S. N.; Rudas, A.; Salomao, R.; Silva, N.; Silveira, M.; Soares De Almeida, S.; Torres-Lezama, A.; Vasquez-Martinez, R.; Vieira, I.; Malhi, Y.; Phillips, O.L.: Branch xylem density variations across the Amazon Basin. Biogeosciences 6 (4), pp. 545 - 568 (2009)
Journal Article
Piao, S.; Friedlingstein, P.; Ciais, P.; Peylin, P.; Zhu, B.; Reichstein, M.: Footprint of temperature changes in the temperate and boreal forest carbon balance. Geophysical Research Letters 36, p. L07404 (2009)
Journal Article
Profft, I.; Mund, M.; Weber, G. E.; Weller, E.; Schulze, E.-D.: Forest management and carbon sequestration in wood products. European Journal of Forest Research 128 (4), pp. 399 - 413 (2009)
Journal Article
Raessler, M.; Unger, W.: Determination of Iron in a Complex Protein-Rich Matrix by GF-AAS without use of a modifier. Atomic Spectroscopy 50 (2), pp. 54 - 58 (2009)
Journal Article
Rascher, U.; Agati, G.; Alonso, L.; Cecchi, G.; Champagne, S.; Colombo, R.; Damm, A.; Daumard, F.; De Miguel, E.; Fernandez, G. et al.; Franch, B.; Franke, J.; Gerbig, C.; Gioli, B.; Gomez, J. A.; Goulas, Y.; Guanter, L.; Gutierrez-De-La-Camara, O.; Hamdi, K.; Hostert, P.; Jimenez, M.; Kosvancova, M.; Lognoli, D.; Meroni, M.; Miglietta, F.; et al.: CEFLES2: the remote sensing component to quantify photosynthetic efficiency from the leaf to the region by measuring sun-induced fluorescence in the oxygen absorption bands. Biogeosciences 6 (7), pp. 1181 - 1198 (2009)
Journal Article
Reichstein, M.; Ciais, P.; Beer, C.; Beier, C.; Ibrom, A.; Janssens, I.; Jung, M.; Misson, L.; Seneviratne, S.; Smith, P. et al.; Williams, C.; Wirth, C.: The role of climate variability and extremes for global terrestrial carbon dynamics: lessons learnt from multiple observations and experiments. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6, 042006 (2009)
Journal Article
Reth, S.; Graf, W.; Reichstein, M.; Munch, J. C.: Sustained stimulation of soil respiration after 10 years of experimental warming. Environmental Research Letters 4 (2), p. 24005 (2009)
Journal Article
Richter, A.; Wanek, W.; Werner, R. A.; Ghashghaie, J.; Jaggi, M.; Gessler, A.; Brugnoli, E.; Hettmann, E.; Gottlicher, S. G.; Salmon, Y. et al.; Bathellier, C.; Kodama, N.; Nogues, S.; S¢E, A.; Volders, F.; Sorgel, K.; Blochl, A.; Siegwolf, R. T. W.; Buchmann, N.; Gleixner, G.: Preparation of starch and soluble sugars of plant material for the analysis of carbon isotope composition: a comparison of methods. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 23 (16), pp. 2476 - 2488 (2009)
Journal Article
Rödenbeck, C.; Gerbig, C.; Trusilova, K.; Heimann, M.: A two-step scheme for high-resolution regional atmospheric trace gas inversions based on independent models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (14), pp. 5331 - 5342 (2009)
Journal Article
Roscher, C.; Bessler, H.; Oelmann, Y.; Engels, C.; Wilcke, W.; Schulze, E. D.: Resources, recruitment limitation and invader species identity determine pattern of spontaneous invasion in experimental grasslands. Journal of Ecology 97 (1), pp. 32 - 47 (2009)
Journal Article
Roscher, C.; Schmid, B.; Schulze, E. D.: Non-random recruitment of invader species in experimental grasslands. Oikos 118 (10), pp. 1524 - 1540 (2009)
Journal Article
Roscher, C.; Temperton, V. M.; Buchmann, N.; Schulze, E. D.: Community assembly and biomass production in regularly and never weeded experimental grasslands. Acta oecologica: international journal of ecology 35 (2), pp. 206 - 217 (2009)
Journal Article
Rubino, M.; Lubritto, C.; D'onofrio, A.; Terrasi, F.; Kramer, C.; Gleixner, G.; Cotrufo, M. F.: Isotopic evidences for microbiologically mediated and direct C input to soil compounds from three different leaf litters during their decomposition. Environmental Chemistry Letters 7 (1), pp. 85 - 95 (2009)
Journal Article
Sachse, D.; Kahmen, A.; Gleixner, G.: Significant seasonal variation in the hydrogen isotopic composition of leaf-wax lipids for two deciduous tree ecosystems (Fagus sylvativa and Acer pseudoplatanus). Organic Geochemistry 40 (6), pp. 732 - 742 (2009)
Journal Article
Sarrat, C.; Noilhan, J.; Lacarrere, P.; Ceschia, E.; Ciais, P.; Dolman, A. J.; Elbers, J. A.; Gerbig, C.; Gioli, B.; Lauvaux, T. et al.; Miglietta, F.; Neininger, B.; Ramonet, M.; Vellinga, O.; Bonnefond, J. M.: Mesoscale modelling of the CO2 interactions between the surface and the atmosphere applied to the April 2007 CERES field experiment. Biogeosciences 6 (4), pp. 633 - 646 (2009)
Journal Article
Sarrat, C.; Noilhan, J.; Lacarrère, P.; Masson, V.; Ceschia, E.; Ciais, P.; Dolman, A.; Elbers, J.; Gerbig, C.; Jarosz, N.: CO2 budgeting at the regional scale using a Lagrangian experimental strategy and meso-scale modeling. Biogeosciences 6 (1), pp. 113 - 127 (2009)
Journal Article
Schepanski, K.; Tegen, I.; Todd, M. C.; Heinold, B.; Bönisch, G.; Laurent, B.; Macke, A.: Meteorological processes forcing Saharan dust emission inferred from MSG-SEVIRI observations of subdaily dust source activation and numerical models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (10201), p. D10201 (2009)
Journal Article
Schulze, E.-D.; Klaus, S.; Westhus, W.; Wiesner, J.; Fritzlar, F.; Profft, G.; Roscher, C.; Wäldchen, J.; Weisser, W. W.: Artenvielfalt in Thüringen: Zustand, Ursachen, Funktion, Zukunft. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 41 (12), pp. 365 - 374 (2009)
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