Sebastian Sippel awarded Bernd Rendel Prize 2017

Sebastian Sippel, former PhD student and now postdoc at Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, is awarded the Bernd Rendel Prize 2017 for junior geoscientists.
Sebastian Sippel studied geo-ecology at the University of Bayreuth while in parallel successfully completing his Master of Science in Environmental Change and Management at the University of Oxford. In 2014 he started his doctoral thesis at Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry within the department Biogeochemical Integration and at ETH Zurich on how climatic extreme events influence geo-ecological processes, in particular interactions between biosphere and atmosphere. He investigated how increasingly occurring extreme events will affect the global carbon cycle. For his outstanding geo-ecological work, which is based on the combination of observations and modeling results, Sebastian Sippel is honored with the Bernd Rendel Prize 2017. He convinced the jury by not shying away from questioning established approaches. He could prove in several first-author publications that in previous studies the rise of temperature extremes was systemically overrated.
Since 2002 the German Research Foundation awards young geo-scientists who should not yet have finished their doctoral thesis with the Bernd Rendel Prize. Sebastian Sippel received the good news the day of his defense.
The award ceremony will take place on September 25, 2017 during the general meeting of the German Geological Society in Bremen. The prize money of 1.500 euros is meant to be used for scientific purposes especially for allowing visits of international meetings and conventions.