Seminar: Flavio Costa
- Datum: 16.03.2023
- Uhrzeit: 14:00
- Vortragende(r): Flavio Costa
- Raum: Lecture Hall (C0.001)
Bacteria can influence the availability of metals in the environment, in processes like biomineralization. A strain of Streptomyces mirabilis isolated from a former uranium mine highly tolerant to heavy metals forms minerals in culture, which was identified as struvite, a magnesium ammonium phosphate. In the presence of nickel, Ni-struvite is formed, where nickel replaces the magnesium in the mineral structure. Ni-struvite precipitation was linked to the heavy metal resistance of the strain and reduces the concentration of nickel in solution. Understanding the mechanism behind this process is useful for biotechnological uses like bioremediation of heavy-metal contaminated sites.
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