12th GINKGO Network Meeting
12th GINKGO Network Meeting
- Beginn: 27.11.2024 12:00
- Ende: 29.11.2024 14:00
- Ort: Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
- Gastgeber: Ginkgo Biosphere Modelling Network
- Kontakt: soenke.zaehle@bgc-jena.mpg.de

Vegetation modelling and ClimateThe purpose of GINKGO workshops is to provide an open exchange forum on topics related to the biosphere and climate. 19 years after the first GINGKO Workshop on Biosphere Modelling at the MPI for Meteorology in Hamburg, this year’s meeting will focus on the new developments on the various flavours of land modelling in ICON and the recent developments of the ICON-Land framework.
- How can we generate and use synergies between the different application types and developments in ICON-Land (TERRA, JSBACH4, QUINCY)?
- How well do models capture the impacts of extreme events on vegetation? Which processes need to be further developed? How can we better facilitate data from e.g. drought experiments into models?
- How can we integrate/represent biodiversity in vegetation modelling? What are reasonable levels of abstractions of species? What are key functional traits and their interactions?
- How can new data support the development of modelling approaches? What can be the benefit of remote sensing? What can be the role of ecological data in improving processes?