In Jena, it is traditional for newly graduated doctoral students to throw a wreath over the sword of Hanfried (statue of Johann Friedrich I of Saxony, the founder of the university) on the market square. The photo shows a wreath thrown high.

Publications of Jeran Poehls

Preprint (2)

Poehls, J.; Silva, L. A.; Koirala, S.; Carvalhais, N.; Reichstein, M.: Downscaling soil moisture to sub-km resolutions with simple machine learning ensembles. (2024)
Robin, C.; Requena Mesa, C.; Benson, V.; Alonso, L.; Poehls, J.; Carvalhais, N.; Reichstein, M.: Learning to forecast vegetation greenness at fine resolution over Africa with ConvLSTMs. (2022)
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