Drittmittel-Projekte EU

Wissenschaftliche Forschungsprojekte, die aus zentralen Mitteln der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft grundfinanziert werden, finden Sie auf den Seiten unserer Abteilungen und Forschungsgruppen. Zusätzlich zur grundfinanzierten Forschung verfolgt das Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie auch Forschungsprojekte (siehe nachstehende Liste), deren Finanzierung erfolgreich in kompetitiven Verfahren bei Förder-Organisationen, z.B. der Europäischen Kommission (EU), der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), eingeworben wurden.

Radiocarbon constraints for models of C cycling in terrestrial ecosystems: from process understanding to global benchmarking
12/2016 - 11/2021 (EU, HORIZON 2020; ERC advanced grant)
Kontakt: Susan Trumbore [mehr]
Advancing the Integrated Monitoring of Trace Gas Exchange between Biosphere and Atmosphere
9/2008 - 2/2013 (EU)
Kontakt: Markus Reichstein [mehr]
Detecting changes in essential ecosystem and biodiversity properties – towards a Biosphere Atmosphere Change Index: BACI
4/2015 - 3/2019 (EU-H2020)
Kontakt: Miguel Mahecha, Markus Reichstein [mehr]
Balanco Atmosférico Regional de Carbono na Amazônia
1/2008 - 1/2010 (EU)
Kontakt: Christoph Gerbig [mehr]
Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory Humberto Duarte Fonseca
10/2006 - 3/2009 (EU)
Kontakt: Martin Heimann [mehr]
The terrestrial Carbon cycle under Climate Variability and Extremes a Pan-European synthesis
6/2009 - 5/2013 (EU)
Kontakt: Christian Beer, Nuno Carvalhais, Dorothea Frank, Miguel Mahecha, Markus Reichstein, Xiuchen Wu, Jakob Zscheischler [mehr]
Quantification, understanding and prediction of carbon cycle, and other GHG gases, in Sub-Saharan Africa
10/2006 - 3/2010 (EU)
Kontakt: Markus Reichstein, Werner Kutsch [mehr]
Assessment of the European Terrestrial Carbon Balance
1/2004 - 12/2008 (EU)
Kontakt: Ernst-Detlef Schulze, Martin Heimann, Christoph Gerbig, Martin Jun, Miguel Mahecha, Markus Reichstein, Sönke Zaehle [mehr]
30-year re-analysis of CARBON fluxES and pools over Europe and the Globe
4/2010 - 3/2013 (EU)
Kontakt: Matthias Forkel, Markus Reichstein [mehr]
CarbonFlux Study
11/2012 - 10/2014 (European Space Agency, ESA)

Kontakt: Sönke Zaehle [mehr]
Marine Carbon Sources and Sinks Assessment (ex MARCASSA)
1/2005 - 12/2009 (EU)

Kontakt: Martin Heimann [mehr]
1/2008 - 12/2010 (EU)
Kontakt: Claudia Hillinger (Susanne Hejja) [mehr]


Anthropogene CO2 Emissionen
10/2017 - 12/2020 (EU/ Horizon 2020)
Kontakt: Julia Marshall, Martin Jung [mehr]
Koordination der internationalen Forschungszusammenarbeit der Kohlenstoffbindung im Boden in der Landwirtschaft
11/2017 - 2/2021 (EU/Horizon 2020)
Kontakt: Marion Schrumpf [mehr]
Climate Change and Impact Research: the Mediterranean Environment
4/2007 - 3/2011 (EU)
Kontakt: Markus Reichstein, Dorothea Frank, Enrico Tomelleri [mehr]
Constraining carbon gross fluxes with oxygen isotopes
3/2005 - 2/2008 (EU)
Kontakt: Martin Heimann, Matthias Cuntz [mehr]
Combined Positoning-Relfectomerty GALileo Code Receiver for Forest Management
1/2015 - 5/2017 (EU, H2020-SC5 )
Kontakt: Nuno Carvalhais [mehr]
Coordinated Research in Earth Systems and Climate: Experiments, Knowledge, Dissemination and Outreach
11/2015 - 3/2021 (EU-H2020)

Kontakt: Sönke Zaehle [mehr]
Monitoring mass and energy fluxes in a manipulated Mediterranean tree-grass Dehesa (Mediterranean Savanna) ecosystem through the integration of ground and satellite data with airborne hyperspectral imagery
1/2015 - 4/2016 (EU)
Kontakt: Mirco Migliavacca [mehr]
Effects of Climate Change on Air Pollution Impacts and Response Strategies for European Ecosystems
10/2011 - 9/2015 (EU, FP7)
Kontakt: Martina Franz, Sönke Zaehle [mehr]
Ecosystem loss of soil inorganic carbon with agricultural conversion: fate, rate, mechanisms, and path ways
9/2014 - 9/2016 (EU, Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship)
Kontakt: John Kim [mehr]
Earth system Model Bias Reduction and assessing Abrupt Climate ChangE
11/2010 - 2/2016 (EU, FP7)
Kontakt: Nuno Carvalhais, Martin Jung, Markus Reichstein, Sönke Zaehle [mehr]
Man-induced Environmental Risks: Monitoring, Management and Remediation of Man-made Changes in Siberia
5/2009 - 5/2013 (EU)
Kontakt: Martin Heimann [mehr]
European Network on New Sensing Technologies for Air-Pollution Control and Environmental Sustainability
7/2012 - 6/2016 (EU)
Kontakt: Jošt Lavric [mehr]
European Network for Atmospheric Hydrogen observations and studies
8/2006 - 7/2009 (EU)
Kontakt: Martin Heimann, Armin Jordan, Ute Karstens [mehr]
Spectral Sampling Tools for Vegetation Biophysical Parameters and Flux Measurements in Europe
11/2009 - 5/2013 (EU)
Kontakt: Enrico Tomelleri [mehr]
Gap Analysis for Integrated Atmospheric ECV CLImate Monitoring
3/2015 - 2/2018 (EU-H2020 )
Kontakt: Julia Marshall [mehr]
Global and regional Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite and in-situ data
2/2007 - 5/2009 (EU, European Centre for medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF))
Kontakt: Martin Heimann, Julia Marshall, Kristina Trusilova, Thomas Koch, Stefan Körner [mehr]
Toward an Operational Global Carbon Observing System
10/2011 - 9/2014 (EU, FP7)
Kontakt: Nuno Carvalhais, Christoph Gerbig, Martin Heimann, Martin Jung, Christoph Köstler, Manos Kalomenopoulos, Miguel Mahecha, Markus Reichstein, Gregor Schürmann, Sönke Zaehle [mehr]
Global Earth Observation and Monitoring
3/2008 - 1/2011 (EU)
Kontakt: Martin Heimann, Michael Hielscher [mehr]
Greenhouse gas management in European land use systems
1/2010 - 9/2013 (EU, FP7)
Kontakt: Martin Heimann, Christoph Gerbig, Jošt Valentin Lavric, Antje Moffat, Markus Reichstein, Enrico Tomelleri, Sönke Zaehle [mehr]
Integration of routine Aircraft measurements into a Global Observing System
4/2005 - 12/2009 (EU EU project (FP6), Design Study for New Infrastructures )
Kontakt: Christoph Gerbig [mehr]
In-Service Aircraft for a Global Observing System
11/2012 - 4/2014 (EU, FP7)
Kontakt: Christoph Gerbig [mehr]
In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System - European Research Infrastructure
8/2008 - 8/2013 (EU, FP-7-Infrastructures)
Kontakt: Christoph Gerbig [mehr]
Integrated Carbon Observing System
4/2008 - 3/2013 (EU project (FP7), preperatory phase of European Research Infrastructure )

Kontakt: Christoph Gerbig, Markus Reichstein [mehr]
ICOS improved sensors, network and interoperability for GMES
1/2013 - 12/2015 (EU, FP7)
Kontakt: Christoph Gerbig (main BGC contact), Dietrich Feist, Jošt V. Lavric [mehr]
IAGOS for the GMES Atmospheric Service
1/2013 - 6/2016 (EU, FP7)
Kontakt: Christoph Gerbig, Julia Marshall [mehr]
Infrastructure for Measurements of the European Cycle
4/2007 - 3/2011 (EU)
Kontakt: Christoph Gerbig, Dietrich Feist, Jošt Lavric [mehr]
Integrated Arctic Observation System
12/2016 - 11/2021 (EU, HORIZON 2020)
Kontakt: Mathias Goeckede [mehr]
Joining ecophysiological Understanding and global ecosystem modelling for improved simulation of Land surface Interactions with the Atmosphere
8/2008 - 7/2011 (EU (FP7) Marie Curie Re-integration Action of the EC FP7 People programme )

Kontakt: Sönke Zaehle [mehr]
Minirhizotron: Phenologie und Wurzelmerkmale
6/2017 - 5/2019 (EU 8 / Horizon 2020 / Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship)
Kontakt: Richard Nair, Mirco Migliavacca, Markus Reichstein [mehr]
Changing Permafrost in the Arctic and its Global Effects in the 21st Century
11/2011 - 10/2015 (EU, FP7)
Kontakt: Christian Beer, Mathias Goeckede, Martin Heimann , Sonja Kaiser [mehr]
Quantifying and modeling pathways of soil organic matter as affected by abiotic factors, microbial dynamics, and transport processes
9/2008 - 2/2014 (EU, FP7 (ERC starting grant))
Kontakt: Bernhard Ahrens, Maarten Braakhekke, Lenka Forkelova, Gerd Gleixner, Myroslava Khomik, Markus Reichstein, Marion Schrumpf, Stefany Thiessen, Enrico Weber, Thomas Wutzler [mehr]
Quantifying the effects of interacting nutrient cycles on terrestrial biosphere dynamics and their climate feedbacks
9/2015 - 8/2021 (EU, ERC consolidator grant)
Kontakt: Sönke Zaehle [mehr]
Stable Isotopes in Biospheric-Atmospheric-Earth System Research
5/2009 - 5/2013 (EU)
Kontakt: Christian Beer [mehr]
Metrology for stable Isotope Reference Standards
6/2017 - 11/2020 (H2020-EURAMET)
Kontakt: Heiko Moossen [mehr]
Tropical Eastern North Atlantic Time-Series Observatory
9/2006 - 3/2009 (EU)
Kontakt: Martin Heimann [mehr]
The Terrestrial Biosphere in the Earth System
1/2009 - 12/2014 (EU,COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology))
Kontakt: Sönke Zaehle [mehr]
Training on Remote sensing for Ecosystem modElling
10/2016 - 9/2020 (EU-H2020)
Kontakt: Mirco Migliavacca [mehr]
Beobachtungsbasiertes System zur Überwachung und Verifizierung von Treibhausgasen
1/2018 - 12/2021 (EU, HORIZON 2020)
Kontakt: Martin Jung, Christoph Gerbig [mehr]
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