Climate change increases the likelihood of late frosts and crop failures

Frozen flowers (picture credit: segovax /
Global warming is causing the average temperature on our planet to rise, but its effects can vary greatly from region to region. Even if the late frosts may become fewer and more moderate overall, early warm periods ensure that the plants sprout early. The tender shoots are particularly at risk when the temperature suddenly drops below freezing. In Western Europe, this was the case between 6 and 8 April 2021 and led to major damage in the wine-growing regions of Champagne, the Loire Valley and Burgundy, especially in central and northern France.
The scientists of the network specifically investigated this frost event under the aspect of climate change. After analysing temperature data and climate simulations, they concluded that climate change has made late frosts in spring 2021 20% to 120% more likely.
"For wine growers and farmers, late frosts can be an existential threat, because the resulting crop losses jeopardise the income of an entire year," sums up Prof. Markus Reichstein. Together with his international colleagues, he wants to continue to analyse extreme weather events in a timely and robust manner and make the assessments accessible to a broad public and decision-makers.
Prof. Dr. Markus Reichstein
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
Hans-Knöll-Str. 10
07745 Jena, Germany
+49 3641 576-200