It is an important aim of the PhD program to facilitate the exchange among the doctoral researchers and with experienced scientists. This targeted support is important since PhD researchers, advisors and course facilitators are spread across several institutes. Through scientific discussions after presentations of doctoral researchers or during poster sessions, but also through informal conversations during the breaks, the retreat organized under the umbrella of the IMPRS contribute significantly to an team spirit and also the development of personal career networks. The retreat is our networking event for a lively exchange between all members of the IMPRS. This means there will be opportunity to present your work to get to know other PhD researchers and advisors learn about overarching research questions in Earth System Science ask about (for example) techniques used in other fields of science science in general All PhD researchers should join. All IMPRS-faculty members and other advisors of IMPRS stipend holders are also strongly encouraged to participate.
This year´s IMPRS Retreat will take place again in Heldrungen.