BGC Wissenschaftler (ko-)organisieren EGU Sitzungen

Zahlreiche Wissenschaftler unseres Instituts sind nicht nur Teilnehmer an dieser bedeutsamen Tagung, sondern auch Mitorganisatoren unterschiedlicher Sitzungen.
Intact Amazon forest – a natural laboratory of global significance
Convener: Jošt Valentin Lavric
Session SSS5.2
Climate-smart soils: can soil carbon sequestration mitigate greenhouse gas emissions?
Convener: Marion Schrumpf, Co-convener: Carlos Sierra
Session BG2.48
Global Earth observation for improved understanding of terrestrial ecosystem dynamics
Co-conveners: Nuno Carvalhais
Session BG2.49
Carbon allocation in plants and ecosystems: mechanisms, responses and biogeochemical implications
Co-convener: Henrik Hartmann
Constraining present and future global vegetation dynamics and carbon stocks
Co-conveners: Yunpeng Luo, Rene Orth
Functions and Functioning of the Critical Zone
Convener: Gerd Gleixner
Session BG1.1/GMPV7.12/HS11.54/OS3.8/SSS12.15
Application of stable isotopes in Biogeosciences
Co-convener: Gerd Gleixner
Session SC1.15/BG1.72
Analysing Eddy-Covariance data using REddyProc
Convener: Thomas Wutzler | Co-conveners: Mirco Migliavacca, M. Reichstein
Session BG2.47
Emerging constraints of photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration at ecosystem to global scales
Co-convener: Mirco Migliavacca
Session BG2.15
Terrestrial ecosystem responses to global change: integrating experiments and models to understand carbon, nutrient, and water cycling
Co-conveners: Sönke Zaehle
Session CL5.12/AS5.21/ESSI3.9/GI2.10/HS11.36/NP4.6
Information extraction from satellite observations using data-driven methods
Co-conveners: Miguel Mahecha
Session BG2.9/HS11.46
Forest carbon and water dynamics, and its feedbacks to climate under global environmental change
Co-conveners: Yunpeng Luo, Catarina Moura, René Orth
Session BG1.56
Plant traits, adaptation and biogeochemical cycles – from measurements to models
Convener: Jens Kattge