New Advances in Land Carbon Cycle Modeling

Who should attend?
Modelers who want to gain simplicity in coding, diagnostic capability, and computational efficiency for your carbon cycle models Students, post-docs and young scientists who want to learn carbon cycle modeling with CLM
What are you going to learn?
New theory on land carbon storage dynamics
Matrix representations of land carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles
A unified diagnostic system for full understanding of uncertainty sources
Carbon cycle data assimilation system for both flux- and pool-based data
Semi-analytic spin-up for computational efficiency
Who will be teaching?
Anders Ahlström, Stanford University, USA
Yizhao Chen, NFU, China
Philippe Ciais, LSCE, France
Zhenggang Du, Northern Arizona University, USA
Yuanyuan Huang, LSCE, France
Debbie Huntzinger, Northern Arizona University, USA
Lifen Jiang, Northern Arizona University, USA
Charlie Koven, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
David Lawrence, National Center for Atmosphere Research, USA
Hank Leoscher, NEON, USA
Chris Lu, Northern Arizona University, USA
Yiqi Luo, Northern Arizona University, USA
Markus Müller, MPI-BGC, Germany
Kiona Ogle, Northern Arizona University, USA
Jim Randerson, UC Irvine, USA
Zheng Shi, University of Oklahoma, USA
Carlos Sierra, MPI-BGC, Germany
Yingping Wang, CSIRO, Australia
Jianyang Xia, ECNU, China
Sha Zhou, Columbia University, USA
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ 86011, USA