BGC scientists (co-)organize EGU 2018 sessions

Scientist from MPI for Biogeochemistry are not only participating in this important meeting but also co-organizing scientific sessions in various topics.
IE1.1 Climate extremes, biosphere and society: impacts, remote sensing, and feedbacks (co-organized)
Convener: Markus Reichstein | Co-Conveners: Dorothea Frank, et. al.
IE4.5 Information extraction from satellite observations using data-driven methods (co-organized)
Convener: Miguel Mahecha
AS3.18 Remote-Sensing of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Methane
Convener: Dietrich G. Feist
BG2.14 Terrestrial ecosystem responses to global change: integrating carbon, nutrient, and water cycles in experiments and models
Co-Conveners: Sönke Zaehle, et. al. BG2.2 Carbon allocation in plants and ecosystems: mechanisms, responses and biogeochemical implications
Co-Conveners: Henrik Hartmann, et. al.
BG2.3 Plant traits and biogeochemical cycles, including optimality, acclimation and adaptation in land ecosystem models (co-organized)
Convener: Jens Kattge | Co-Conveners: Markus Reichstein, Sönke Zaehle, et. al.
BG2.4 Emerging constraints of photosynthesis and respiration at ecosystem to global scales
Co-Conveners: Mirco Migliavacca, Markus Reichstein , et. al.
BG2.23 Forests under pressure: current knowledge and future science directions
Co-Conveners: Henrik Hartmann et. al.
BG4.12 Global Earth observation and in-situ data for improved understanding of terrestrial ecosystem dynamics (co-organized)
Co-Conveners: Nuno Carvalhais, et. al.
Splinter Meeting Session SMP52
Copernicus: European operational monitoring system for fossil CO2 emissions
Convener: Dietrich G. Feist