ICOS - An infrastructure for excellent science

18. September 2014

How much of the fossil fuel emissions can be compensated by terrestrial ecosystems and oceans? Will these sinks be persistent? Are they influenced by nutrient availability? Which role do lakes and rivers play in the carbon cycle?

More than 200 researchers will convene in Brussels from 23.–25. September 2014 for the first International ICOS Science Conference to answer questions like these. They will discuss recent scientific results on the exchange and the concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere.

The Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS RI) is a pan-European Research Infrastructure that comprises about 100 atmospheric, ecosystem and ocean observation stations distributed over 10 countries and including MPI-BGC. ICOS RI provides long-term, coherent, precise and quality-controlled observation data on GHGs to support research and to help curb and monitor emissions.

See pdf for further reading and the program.

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