In Jena ist es Brauch, dass frischgebackene Doktor*innen einen Kranz über das Schwert vom Hanfried (Statue von Johann Friedrich I. von Sachsen, dem Begründer der Universität) auf dem Marktplatz werfen.(Das Foto zeigt einen Kranz, der in die Höhe geworfen wird und sein Ziel hoffentlich nicht verfehlt.

Publikationen von Ines Mügler

Zeitschriftenartikel (12)

Zhang, X.; Xu, B.; Günther, F.; Mügler, I.; Lange, M.; Zhao, H.; Li, J.; Gleixner, G.: Hydrogen isotope ratios of terrestrial leaf wax n-alkanes from the Tibetan Plateau: Controls on apparent enrichment factors, effect of vapor sources and implication for altimetry. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 211, S. 10 - 27 (2017)
Hepp, J.; Tuthorn, M.; Zech, R.; Mügler, I.; Schlütz, F.; Zech, W.; Zech, M.: Reconstructing lake evaporation history and the isotopic composition of precipitation by a coupled delta18O–delta2H biomarker approach. Journal of Hydrology 529 (2), S. 622 - 631 (2015)
Bai, Y.; Fang, X. M.; Gleixner, G.; Mügler, I.: Effect of precipitation regime on δ D values of soil n-alkanes from elevation gradients - Implications for the study of paleo-elevation. Organic Geochemistry 42 (7), S. 838 - 845 (2011)
Günther, F.; Mügler, I.; Mäusbacher, R.; Daut, G.; Leopold, K.; Gerstmann, U. C.; Xu, B.; Yao, T.; Gleixner, G.: Response of δ D values of sedimentary n-alkanes to variations in source water isotope signals and climate proxies at lake Nam Co, Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary International 236, S. 82 - 90 (2011)
Daut, G.; Mäusbacher, R.; Baade, J.; Gleixner, G.; Kroemer, E.; Mügler, I.; Wallner, J.; Wang, J.; Zhu, L.: Late Quaternary hydrological changes inferred from lake level fluctuations of Nam Co (Tibetan Plateau, China). Quaternary International 218 (1-2), S. 86 - 93 (2010)
Keil, A.; Berking, J.; Mügler, I.; Schütt, B.; Schwalb, A.; Steeb, P.: Hydrological and geomorphological basin and catchment characteristics of Lake Nam Co, South-Central Tibet. Quaternary International 218 (1-2), S. 118 - 130 (2010)
Mügler, I.; Gleixner, G.; Günther, F.; Mäusbacher, R.; Daut, G.; Schutt, B.; Berking, J.; Schwalb, A.; Schwark, L.; Xu, B. et al.; Yao, T.; Zhu, L.; Yi, C.: A multi-proxy approach to reconstruct hydrological changes and Holocene climate development of Nam Co, Central Tibet. Journal of Paleolimnology 43 (4), S. 625 - 648 (2010)
Xia, Z. H.; Xu, B. Q.; Mügler, I.; Wu, G. J.; Gleixner, G.; Sachse, D.; Zhu, L. P.: retracted: Paleoclimatic implications of the hydrogen isotopic composition of terrigenous n-alkanes from Lake Yamzho, southern Tibetan Plateau. Geochemical Journal 43 (4), S. 275 - 286 (2009)
Hilbich, C.; Mügler, I.; Daut, G.; Frenzel, P.; Van Der Borg, K.: Reconstruction of the depositional history of the former coastal lagoon of Vilamoura (Algarve, Portugal): A sedimentological, microfaunal and geophysical approach. Journal of Coastal Research 24 (2B Suppl. S), S. 83 - 91 (2008)
Mügler, I.; Sachse, D.; Werner, M.; Xu, B. Q.; Wu, G. J.; Yao, T. D.; Gleixner, G.: Effect of lake evaporation on δ D values of lacustrine n-alkanes: A comparison of Nam Co (Tibetan Plateau) and Holzmaar (Germany). Organic Geochemistry 39 (6), S. 711 - 729 (2008)
Xia, Z. H.; Xu, B. Q.; Mügler, I.; Wu, G. J.; Gleixner, G.; Sachse, D.; Zhu, L. P.: Hydrogen isotope ratios of terrigenous n-alkanes in lacustrine surface sediment of the Tibetan Plateau record the precipitation signal. Geochemical Journal 42 (4), S. 331 - 338 (2008)
Krull, E.; Sachse, D.; Mügler, I.; Thiele, A.; Gleixner, G.: Compound-specific δ13C and δ2H analyses of plant and soil organic matter: A preliminary assessment of the effects of vegetation change on ecosystem hydrology. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38 (11), S. 3211 - 3221 (2006)

Buchkapitel (1)

Gleixner, G.; Mügler, I.: Compound-specific hydrogen isotope ratios of biomarkers: tracing climatic changes in the past. In: Stable isotopes as indicators of ecological change, S. 249 - 266 (Hg. Dawson, T. E.; Siegwolf, R. T. W.). Academic press, Oxford (2007)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Mügler, I.: Paleoclimate reconstruction using compound - specific hydrogen isotope ratios of n-alkanes. Dissertation, XII, 147, A-14 S., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2008)
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