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Zeitschriftenartikel (120)

Simoncini, E.; Russell, M. J.; Kleidon, A.: Modeling Free Energy Availability from Hadean Hydrothermal Systems to the First Metabolism. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 41 (6), S. 529 - 532 (2011)
Steinbach, J.; Gerbig, C.; Rödenbeck, C.; Karstens, U.; Minejima, C.; Mukai, H.: The CO2 release and Oxygen uptake from Fossil Fuel Emission Estimate (COFFEE) dataset: effects from varying oxidative ratios. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (14), S. 6855 - 6870 (2011)
Steinhof, A.; Baatzsch, A.; Hejja, I.; Wagner, T.: Ion source improvements at the Jena 14C-AMS facility. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms B269 (0), S. 3196 - 3198 (2011)
Sulkava, M.; Luyssaert, S.; Zaehle, S.; Papale, D.: Assessing and improving the representativeness of monitoring networks: The European flux tower network example. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 116, S. G00j04 (2011)
Taguchi, S.; Law, R. M.; Rödenbeck, C.; Patra, P. K.; Maksyutov, S.; Zahorowski, W.; Sartorius, H.; Levin, I.: TransCom continuous experiment: comparison of 222Rn transport at hourly time scales at three stations in Germany. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (19), S. 10071 - 10084 (2011)
Thompson, R. L.; Gerbig, C.; Rödenbeck, C.: A Bayesian inversion estimate of N2O emissions for western and central Europe and the assessment of aggregation errors. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (7), S. 3443 - 3458 (2011)
Van Der Molen, M. K.; Dolman, A. J.; Ciais, P.; Eglin, T.; Gobron, N.; Law, B. E.; Meir, P.; Peters, W.; Phillips, O. L.; Reichstein, M. et al.; Chen, T.; Dekker, S. C.; Doubkova, M.; Friedl, M. A.; Jung, M.; Van Den Hurk, B.; De Jeu, R. A. M.; Kruijt, B.; Ohta, T.; Rebel, K. T.; Plummer, S.; Seneviratne, S. I.; Sitch, S.; Teuling, A. J.; Van Der Werf, G. R.; Wang, G.: Drought and ecosystem carbon cycling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (7), S. 765 - 773 (2011)
Vargas, R.; Carbone, M. S.; Reichstein, M.; Baldocchi, D. D.: Frontiers and challenges in soil respiration research: from measurements to model-data integration. Biogeochemistry 102 (1-3), S. 1 - 13 (2011)
Vasileva, A. V.; Moiseenko, K. B.; Mayer, J. C.; Jürgens, N.; Panov, A.; Heimann, M.; Andreae, M. O.: Assessment of the regional atmospheric impact of wildfire emissions based on CO observations at the ZOTTO tall tower station in central Siberia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116, S. D07301 (2011)
Von Lüpke, N.; Hardtke, A.; Lück, M.; Hessenmöller, D.; Ammer, C.; Schulze, E.-D.: Bestandesvorrat, Baumartenvielfalt und Struktur kleinparzellierter Privatwälder im Hainich. Forstarchiv 82, S. 202 - 215 (2011)
Wäldchen, J.; Schulze, E. D.; Mund, M.; Winkler, B.: Der Einfluss politischer, rechtlicher und wirtschaftlicher Rahmenbedingungen des 19. Jahrhunderts auf die Bewirtschaftung der Wälder im Hainich-Dün-Gebiet (Nordthüringen). Forstarchiv 82, S. 35 - 47 (2011)
Weihermüller, L.; Lamers, M.; Reichstein, M.: Introduction to production, transport, and emission of trace gases from the vadose zone to the atmosphere. Vadose Zone Journal 10 (1), S. 151 - 155 (2011)
Wendeberg, M.; Richter, J.; Rothe, M.; Brand, W. A.: δ18O anchoring to VPDB: calcite digestion with 18O-adjusted ortho-phosphoric acid. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 25 (7), S. 851 - 860 (2011)
Wutzler, T.; Profft, I.; Mund, M.: Quantifying tree biomass carbon stocks, their changes and uncertainties using routine stand taxation inventory data. Silva Fennica 45 (3), 449 (2011)
Yang, N.; Zhang, K.; Lloyd, H.; Ran, J. H.; Xu, Y.; Du, B. B.; Yue, B. S.; Wang, Y.; Klaus, S.: Group size does not influence territory size and overlap in a habituated population of a cooperative breeding Himalayan Galliforme species. Ardea 99 (2), S. 199 - 206 (2011)
Yver, C. E.; Pison, I. C.; Fortems-Cheiney, A.; Schmidt, M.; Chevallier, F.; Ramonet, M.; Jordan, A.; Sovde, O. A.; Engel, A.; Fisher, R. E. et al.; Lowry, D.; Nisbet, E. G.; Levin, I.; Hammer, S.; Necki, J.; Bartyzel, J.; Reimann, S.; Vollmer, M. K.; Steinbacher, M.; Aalto, T.; Maione, M.; Arduini, J.; O'Doherty, S.; Grant, A.; Sturges, W. T.; Forster, G. L.; Lunder, C. R.; Privalov, V.; Paramonova, N.; Werner, A.; Bousquet, P.: A new estimation of the recent tropospheric molecular hydrogen budget using atmospheric observations and variational inversion. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (7), S. 3375 - 3392 (2011)
Zaehle, S.; Ciais, P.; Friend, A. D.; Prieur, V.: Carbon benefits of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen offset by nitrous oxide emissions. Nature Geoscience 4 (9), S. 601 - 605 (2011)
Zaehle, S.; Dalmonech, D.: Carbon-nitrogen interactions on land at global scales: current understanding in modelling climate biosphere feedbacks. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 3 (5), S. 311 - 320 (2011)
Zaehle, S.; Prentice, C.; Cornell, S.: The evaluation of Earth System Models: discussion summary. Procedia Environmental Sciences 6, S. 216 - 221 (2011)
Ziehn, T.; Kattge, J.; Knorr, W.; Scholze, M.: Improving the predictability of global CO2 assimilation rates under climate change. Geophysical Research Letters 38, S. L10404 (2011)
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