Kolloquium: Daniel Mietchen

Biogeosciences and the Wikimedia Ecosystem
06.04.2023 14:00 - 15:00
Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie, Raum: Hörsaal (C0.001)

Kolloquium: Jon Cranko Page

Lags and Legacies in Terrestrial Fluxes: The Sensitivity of Net Ecosystem Exchange and Latent Heat Fluxes to Antecedent Climate
04.05.2023 14:00
Lecture Hall (C0.001)

Kolloquium: Michaela Dippold

Biogeochemistry as System Science: Integration of scales, disciplines and Earth system diversity
09.05.2023 11:00
Lecture Hall (C0.001)

Kolloquium: Marie Spohn

Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in terrestrial ecosystems
11.05.2023 11:30
Lecture Hall (C0.001)

Kolloquium: Sara Vicca

From ecosystem-climate interactions to natural climate solutions
06.06.2023 11:00
Hörsaal (C0.001)

Kolloquium: Claire Treat

Arctic carbon, methane and permafrost: progress and challenges
07.06.2023 11:00
Hörsaal (C0.001)

Kolloquium Tilo Ziehn

Emissions pathways and managing carbon – Results from Australia’s Earth System Model
29.06.2023 14:00
Lecture Hall (C0.001)

Kolloquium: Lisa Wingate

Constraining plant-soil interactions and how they regulate ecosystem function and atmospheric chemistry across scales
03.07.2023 11:00
Lecture Hall (C0.001)

Kolloquium Yanhua Chen

Publishing with Nature Journals
06.07.2023 11:00
(online only)

Kolloquium Eric Gorgens

Mapping biomass and giant trees in the Amazon
17.08.2023 14:00
Lecture Hall (C0.001)

Kolloquium: Charlotte Grossiord

Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Anthropocene: Novel stress, Novel responses, Novel approaches
08.12.2023 11:00
Lecture Hall (C0.001)
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