ZOTTO - Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (Russia)
ZOTTO, the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory, is a long-term research of the taiga as a carbon sink. ZOTTO served as a bridge of bottom-up and top-down measurements of the atmosphere and aimed to understand the complex physical, chemical and biological interactions between the boreal forest and the atmosphere.
Description & History
The Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) is located in central Siberia, about 20 km west of the town of Zotino on the Yenisei River (114 m a.s.l.).
The ecosystem, in light taiga, around the station includes mainly pine forests (Pinus sylvestris) with trees about 20 m high and lichen-covered sandy soils (Schulze et al., 2002).
The nearest major city about 600 km south of the station is Krasnoyarsk (population 950 000). Transporting equipment to this remote station takes about 2 days and is only possible in winter, hence the urgent need to minimize maintenance tasks and likewise the use of consumables (Winderlich et al., 2010).
In the past, the ecosystem around Zotto Station was studied for several years using aircraft measurements and eddy covariance systems (see Zotino page). Construction of the new High Tower was completed in September 2006 (Schulze et al., 2010).
Aerosol and carbon monoxide measurements take place at 301 m and 52 m, respectively. Ozone and NOx are measured at the 30 m level (Vivchar et al., 2009). Since June 2007, complex gas measurements of CO2, O2, CH4, CO, and N2O by gas chromatography, paramagnetic sensors, and near-infrared spectroscopy have taken place at five tower heights (Kozlova et al., 2009). A low-maintenance high-precision measurement system for CO2/CH4 has been in place since April 2009.
The involvement of the Field Experiments and Instrumentation service group at the Tall Tower consists mainly in the installation of meteorology sensors and their mounts, and in the installation of a lightning protection system. In addition, Karl Kübler takes care of the complex maintenance of the tower's generators. Since 2011 there are 2 new Eddy Kovarianz towers near the Tall Tower in a forest and in a swamp area.
Taiga Forest
ZOTTO Tall Tower
Latitude: 60.80
Longitude: 89.35
ZOTTO Forest Eddy
Latitude: 60.81
Longitude: 89.36
ZOTTO Swamp Eddy
Latitude: 60.36
Longitude: 89.39
- 304 m high "High Tower", since 2006
- Measuring platforms at 52, 158, and 301 meters height
- Cooperation of several MPI-BGC departments
- Air-conditioned bunker for scientific equipment
- Generators for energy supply
- Eddy covariance towers (10 m and 30 m high), since 2011
Variables & Instruments
"ZOTTO Forest Eddy"
- Eddy Covariance - CO2, water vapor, momentum, heat (USA-1, LI7200)
- Profiles - CO2 (GMP343)
- Wind speed and direction - 3D ultrasonic anemometer USA-1, Metek
- Air pressure - pressure transducer 61302V, Young
- Air temperature and humidity - temperature-humidity sensor KPK1_6-ME-H38, Mela
- Precipitation - heated tipping bucket precipitation gauge, Thies
- Solar radiation - radiation balance sensor CNR1, Kipp & Zonen
- Terrestrial radiation - radiation balance sensor CNR1, tilt & zones
- Photosynthetically active radiation - PAR sensor PQS1, tilt & zones
Soil conditions
- Soil temperature - Soil temperature sensor PT100, DIY
- Soil moisture at 4 depths - Theta soil moisture probe ML-2x, Delta-T
- Soil heat flux at 5 positions - Soil heat flux plates HP3/CN3, Rimco
Data acquisition
- Meteorological data - CR3000 data logger, Campbell Scientific
- CO2 profile data - Data logger CR10X, Campbell Scientific
- Flow data - Notebook
"ZOTTO Swamp Eddy"
- Eddy Covarianz- CO2, water vapor, momentum, heat (USA-1, LI7200); CH4 (Picarro G1301-f)
- Wind speed and direction - 3D ultrasonic anemometer USA-1, Metek
- Air pressure - pressure transducer 61302V, Young
- Air temperature and humidity - temperature-humidity sensor KPK1_6-ME-H38, Mela
- Precipitation - heated tipping bucket precipitation gauge, Thies
- Solar radiation - radiation balance sensor CNR1, Kipp & Zonen
- Terrestrial radiation - radiation balance sensor CNR1, tilt & zones
- Photosynthetically active radiation - PAR sensor PQS1, tilt & zones
Soil conditions
- Soil temperature - Soil temperature sensor PT100, DIY
- Soil moisture at 5 depths - Theta soil moisture probe ML-2x, Delta-T
- Soil heat flux at 5 positions - Soil heat flux plates HP3/CN3, Rimco
Data acquisition
- Meteorological data - Data logger CR3000, Campbell Scientific
- River data - notebook