
Measuring Stations Internationally and in Germany

The cooperation project of Germany and Brazil in the middle of the Amazon rainforest about 150 km north of Manaus operates the continuous recording of meteorological, chemical and biological data, such as the concentration of greenhouse gases. [more]
Manipulation experiment with nitrogen and phosphorus in the dehesa (holm oak groves) of Spain, with extensive measurements of the ecosystem. [more]
ZOTTO, the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory, is a long-term research of the taiga as a carbon sink. ZOTTO served as a bridge of bottom-up and top-down measurements of the atmosphere and aimed to understand the complex physical, chemical and biological interactions between the boreal forest and the atmosphere. [more]
Continuous gas concentration measurements of carbon dioxide and methane in the permafrost region of the Siberian Tundra on the Arctic Ocean. [more]
Atmospheric fluxes of carbon dioxide in a permafrost ecosystem in the Kolyma lowlands, Russia. [more]
Investigation of carbon use at 3 different sites in the Amazon in collaboration with INPA - the Institute for Amazon Research. [more]
Biodiversity experiment with grassland species in Jena's Saale Valley [more]
Athmospheric long-term measurements above a spruce monoculture in the Thuringian Slate Mountains [more]
Meteorological Station on the roof of the MPI for Biogeochemistry on the Beutenberg Campus in Jena [more]
BIOTREE- Biodiversity research on native tree species in different planted combinations - location in the middle of Germany.
Kaltenborn near Bad Salzungen is one of the three sites of the BIOTREE research project [more]
BIOTREE- Biodiversity research on native tree species in different planted combination - location in the middle of Germany, near Erfurt [more]
BIOTREE- Biodiversity research on native tree species in different planted combinations - location in the middle of Germany [more]
Meterological measurements and soil water investigations [more]
Weather station on succession area in the Thuringian Forest [more]
A weather station for nature conservation research [more]
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