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Publikationen von Axel Kleidon

Zeitschriftenartikel (121)

Kleidon, A.; Gozzi, C.; Buccianti, A.; Sauro Graziano, R.: Type of probability distribution reflects how close mixing dynamics in river chemistry are to thermodynamic equilibrium. Science of the Total Environment (angenommen)
Kleidon, A.: Dürren in Deutschland - Warum der Klimawandel hydrologische Extreme verstärkt. Physik in unserer Zeit (2024)
Notholt, J.; Schmithüsen, H.; Buschmann, M.; Kleidon, A.: Infrared radiative effects of increasing CO2 and CH4 on the atmosphere in Antarctica compared to the Arctic. Geophysical Research Letters 51 (2), e2023GL105600 (2024)
Conte, L.; Gonella, F.; Giansanti, A.; Kleidon, A.; Romano, A.: Modeling cell populations metabolism and competition under maximum power constraints. PLoS Computational Biology 19 (11), e1011607 (2023)
Kleidon, A.: Working at the limit: a review of thermodynamics and optimality of the Earth system. Earth System Dynamics 14 (4), S. 861 - 896 (2023)
Ghausi, S. A.; Tian , Y.; Zehe, E.; Kleidon, A.: Radiative controls by clouds and thermodynamics shape surface temperatures and turbulent fluxes over land. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (29), e2220400120 (2023)
Tian, Y.; Ghausi, S. A.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, M.; Xie, D.; Cao, Y.; Mei, Y.; Wang, G.; Zhong, D.; Kleidon, A.: Radiation as the dominant cause of high-temperature extremes on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Research Letters 18 (7), 074007 (2023)
Kleidon, A.: Windenergiepotenzial von Deutschland: Grenzen und Konsequenzen großräumiger Onshore-Windenergienutzung. Physik in unserer Zeit 54 (3), S. 142 - 148 (2023)
Kleidon, A.; Messori, G.; Roy, S. B.; Didenkulova, I.; Zeng, N.: Editorial: Global warming is due to an enhanced greenhouse effect, and anthropogenic heat emissions currently play a negligible role at the global scale. Earth System Dynamics 14 (1), S. 241 - 242 (2023)
Kleidon, A.: Sustaining the terrestrial biosphere in the Anthropocene: A thermodynamic earth system perspective. Ecology, Economy and Society – the INSEE Journal 6 (1), S. 53 - 80 (2023)
Kleidon, A.: Windenergie in der Deutschen Bucht. Physik in unserer Zeit 54 (1), S. 30 - 36 (2023)
Panwar, A.; Kleidon, A.: Evaluating the response of diurnal variations in surface and air temperature to evaporative conditions across vegetation types in FLUXNET and ERA5. Journal of Climate 35 (19), S. 2701 - 2728 (2022)
Ghausi, S. A.; Ghosh, S.; Kleidon, A.: Breakdown in precipitation–temperature scaling over India predominantly explained by cloud-driven cooling. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 26 (16), S. 4431 - 4446 (2022)
Schroers, S.; Eiff, O.; Kleidon, A.; Scherer, U.; Wienhöfer, J.; Zehe, E.: Morphological controls on surface runoff: an interpretation of steady-state energy patterns, maximum power states and dissipation regimes within a thermodynamic framework. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 26 (12), S. 3125 - 3150 (2022)
Liu, F.; Wang, X.; Sun, F.; Kleidon, A.: Potential impact of global stilling on wind energy production in China. Energy: the international journal 263 (Part B), 125727 (2022)
Carmona, A. M.; Renner, M.; Kleidon, A.; Poveda, G.: Uncertainty of runoff sensitivity to climate change in the Amazon River basin. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1504 (1), S. 76 - 94 (2021)
Kleidon, A.; Binder, K.: Physik-Nobelpreis 2021: Komplexe Systeme. Physik in unserer Zeit 52 (6), S. 272 - 273 (2021)
Savitch, E.; Frank, A.; Carroll-Nellenback, J.; Haqq-Misra, J.; Kleidon, A.; Alberti, M.: Triggering a climate change dominated “Anthropocene”: Is it common among exocivilizations? The Astronomical Journal 162 (5), 196 (2021)
Kleidon, A.: Was begrenzt das Leben? Thermodynamik und Photosynthese im Erdsystem. Physik in unserer Zeit 52 (5), S. 230 - 235 (2021)
Kleidon, A.: Physical limits of wind energy within the atmosphere and its use as renewable energy: From the theoretical basis to practical implications. Meteorologische Zeitschrift 30 (3), S. 203 - 225 (2021)
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