Bid for a priceless opportunity: Above the rooftops of Jena - weather knowledge with a view!
Action of the Jena - Saale-Holzland Civic Foundation
The auction of priceless opportunities has begun!
One of these opportunities is to visit the weather station on our roof.

© Civic Foundation Jena - Saale Holzland
From the highest point of the Beutenberg Campus, the roof of the MPI for Biogeochemistry, you can enjoy a great view over the city of Jena.
After you have had your fill, we will show you our in-house weather station and tell you how the meteorological conditions in Jena have changed over the last 200 years.
You can find current weather on our weather page.
Click here to go to the auction on ebay and here to the page of the civic foundation with the auction of priceless opportunities.