The user regulations
User rules
In der Gewächshausordnung stehen Regeln, wie man sich im Gewächshaus verhalten soll. Die Gewächshausordnung erklärt, wie Abläufe im Gewächshaus funktionieren. Die Regeln dies Ordnung gelten für alle Mitarbeiter.
Please contact the service group 'Field Experiments and Instrumentation' (hereinafter referred to as 'Field') during the planning phase of an experiment that requires greenhouse capacity.
Important components can be:
Planned crop (type and number of plants, space requirements)
Technical equipment (sensors, fumigation, marking, etc.)
Support for the experiment setup by 'Freiland'
Support during the trial by 'Freiland'
Are preliminary tests necessary
Intermediate storage space required (there is no space available in the greenhouse!). Your experiment may have to wait until ongoing experiments have been completed.
Reasonable timing, taking into account the needs of the plants, which obey their internal conditions in terms of growing seasons, growth rates, etc., and which cannot be forced to behave in a certain way.
- If major technical modifications are required for your experimental setup that are not easily reversible, the extent to which other users are/potentially will be affected must be weighed up. If there are competing interests, this may require a decision at directorate level. So plan time for the decision-making process for such extensive experiments and communicate your ideas at an early stage.
- Fill out the user application form as soon as you have clarity about your experiment
- ...which is also available as a printout in the greenhouse. When filling in the time information, please also take into account the growing time of your plants.
- Any changes you plan to make to the chamber you are using, such as crop management, equipment, experimental procedure, etc., must be discussed with 'Freiland' in advance and their feasibility clarified.
- Please use materials and equipment available in the greenhouse only in consultation with 'Freiland' - in particular, the unauthorized removal of materials and equipment is not permitted.
- Material and equipment from the greenhouse can be borrowed to a limited extent, but only with the prior approval of 'Freiland' and a corresponding entry in the borrowing lists.
- Please always leave your workplace tidy and orderly.
- At the end of your test, you must clean up or dispose of all your material.