Tanguro (Brazil)
Cooperation with the Institute for Amazon Research (INPA)
Investigation of three different sites in the Amazon for carbon utilization.
Description & History
In November 2013, two new Eddy-Flux sites were established in Ribeirão Tanguro, Matto Grosso, Brazil. One of them in a burned forest area, the other in an unmanaged and undisturbed forest that serves as a comparison area. A third tower was erected in February 2015 in an area of intensive agriculture (soy) located near these forests.
They are equipped with the usual sensors for meteorology and eddy covariance measurements and are powered by solar electricity.
The towers are part of a joint project with the Brazilian Institute for Amazon Research (INPA) with the question of whether the efficiency of carbon use of tropical forests can be changed.
Burned tropical forest area, control forest and agricultural area.
Latitude: -13.08
Longitude: -52.39
- Since 2013
- Eddy Covariance
- Meteorology
- Solar Energy/ Generator
- Tanguro Flux Project within TACAPE ("Tree Assimilation and Carbon Allocation Physiology Experiment"- Norbert Kunert).
- INPA: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia
- Susan Trumbore and Paulo Brando, Divino Silverio, Claudinei Oliveira Santos and Wanderley Rocha (IPAM) Olaf Kolle and Martin Hertel (Freiland)
Variables & Instruments
- Eddy covariance - CO2, water vapor, momentum, heat flux (USA-1, LI7200)
- Wind speed and direction - USA-1, Metek
- Air pressure - pressure transducer 61302V, Young
- Air temperature and humidity - temperature-humidity sensor KPK1_5-ME, Mela
- Precipitation - heated tipping bucket precipitation gauge, Thies
- Solar radiation - radiation balance sensor CNR1, Kipp & Zonen
- Terrestrial radiation - radiation balance sensor CNR1, tilt & zones
- Photosynthetically active radiation - PAR sensor PQS1, tilt & zones
- Diffuse solar radiation - Pyranometer with shadow ring CM11, tilt & zones
- Surface temperature - Infrared thermometer KT15, Heitronics
Soil conditions
- Soil temperature en - Soil temperature sensor PT100, do-it-yourself
- Soil moisture - Soil water content (TDR probes) EasyAG, Campbell Scientific
- Soil heat flux - Soil heat flux plates HP3/CN3, Rimco
Data acquisition
- Meteorological data - CR1000 data logger, Campbell Scientific
- River data - notebook
- Vegetation - digital camera