Nominations for MPS directorial position
Nominations sought for the position of Director at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena, Germany.

The MPI for Biogeochemistry is in the process of identifying candidates for a new Scientific Director. The MPI for Biogeochemistry in Jena is committed to basic research on the role of biogeochemistry in the Earth System, with a special emphasis on the interaction between terrestrial ecosystems, the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. Founded in 1997, the institute has developed a research agenda comprising process studies, regional and global observations combined with model development and model-data integration. The institute has three Departments, several independent research groups and state-of-the-art technical and field facilities (chemical analysis, stable isotopes, gas analytics, eddy flux and tall towers and other field instrumentation, 14C analyses, high performance computing). The institute is strongly linked to the University of Jena via joint graduate schools and research programs, including an International Max Planck Research School for Global Biogeochemical Cycles. The three current departments are: Biogeochemical Processes (headed by Susan Trumbore), investigating biogeochemical processes with field and laboratory measurements and experiments; Biogeochemical Systems (headed by Martin Heimann), coupling atmospheric observation with models to investigate surface-atmosphere trace gas fluxes; and Biogeochemical Integration (headed by Markus Reichstein), with an emphasis on combining biosphere models with local to global observations for biogeochemical Earth System diagnosis and prediction.
We currently seek a Scientific Director/ Department Head to succeed Martin Heimann’s directorship and to be filled in the 2016/2017 time frame. We seek an individual with a strong track record in and vision for using observations to diagnose interactions between the biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere/climate at regional to global scales. Nominees must have a record of innovative research at the highest international level, and will have demonstrated the potential to inspire and lead a department of researchers, technical staff and graduate students. Their scientific interests can complement existing research at the Institute or introduce completely new directions of research related to global biogeochemical cycles. The goal is to identify the strongest and most creative scientists worldwide, and to offer them decades of stable and predictable scientific funding.
Written nominations will be treated in strictest confidence, and must include a short description of the nominee's background and most significant scientific accomplishments. Self-nominations are considered when accompanied with a recommendation letter.
The Max Planck Society encourages the nomination of female scientists for these positions as it seeks to increase the number of women in areas where they are under-represented.